
Showing posts from November, 2023

Location Scout

  These are the list of Locations that I need to visit for my Magazine

Magazine Draft Article

  Here is my draft for my article Topic : History of Bali's Architecture Style Tone : Informal - Easy to Understand Indirect : Mainly because of  Formality WHO : Mr. Karangasem, 36 Year Old Architecture - A Well Known Balinese Architecture  Headline :  Article: B ali is well known for its natural beauty, its clean and scenic beaches are acknowledged world wide as one of the most beautiful places on earth. Along with it, a vast and rich traditinal culture full of creativity, arts and crafts with its own special traits, and a genuine warmth from the local community. One of the charmings aspects Bali provides is the design of architecture that was developed over the many centuries. The architecture of Bali is a reflection of the island's rich cultural heritage, influenced by Hindu traditions, local beliefs, and environmental considerations. Balinese architecture is characterized by intricate details, harmonious design, and a deep connection to nature. It combines s...

Technical Skills

  Here are the problems that I've faced while learning and developing my Magazine Problem 1(and only): Text was overflowing or going outside of the box, I need it to go under as if I pressed enter before it overlaps the border. Solution: I looked around the options on the top of the site and found Wrap Text in Format that I remembered a long time ago while studying how to use Sheets that it Wraps the text to either Overflow, Wrap or Clip. The Option I was lookign for was Wrap which made the overlapping text fit inside the given space. Reflection: As I only faced one technical problem and it was easily fixed, I didn't seem to have any other hardships in the technical aspects of things and so I continued to do my work smoothly.


  Here are the terminologies that I learned about magazines Reflection: With these terminologies, I can do my work easier to find examples of each magazine parts and see how its supposed to be done and how each parts are supposed to contain.

Double Page Spread Research and Development

  This is the research and development of my double page spread. Reflection:  I found out that magazines use things like pull quotes, the way they talk to the readers, and how they arrange stuff on the page to tell a specific message to their readers. It's simple for me to include details like the magazine name, issue, who made it, and what type it is because I just look at the cover. But it's tough and takes a lot of time for me to explain what an article is about and what I can use for my project from the research on the double-page spread.