My Target Audience

 This is my practice of determining the Target Audience of an Ad

Jack in the Box Jack at Burger King 2009 Commercial

1. Product/Company Description:

Company/Product Name: Jack in the Box

Product Overview: Jack in the Box is promoting its flexible menu that allows customers to order anything on the menu at any time of day, emphasizing the convenience and variety they offer compared to competitors.

2. Target Audience Demographics:

Age: Wide range, likely young adults to middle-aged individuals.

Gender: Both men and women.

Income Level: Not specified in the description, but likely middle-income.

Education: No specific information provided.

Occupation: No specific information provided.

Geographical Location: No specific information provided.

3. Target Audience Psychographics:

Interests: Convenience, fast food, variety in menu choices.

Lifestyle Choices: People looking for quick and flexible dining options.

Values and Attitudes: Valuing convenience, uniqueness, and being able to have what they want when they want it.

Opinions: Favorable towards Jack in the Box's approach of offering an all-day menu.

4. Understanding Consumer Behavior:

Needs: Quick and flexible dining options that cater to their cravings regardless of the time.

Motivations: Convenience, variety, and the desire for their dining preferences to be accommodated.

Pain Points: Frustration with other fast-food chains that have strict menu times and limited options.

5. Competitor Analysis:

Competitors: Mentioned Burger King as a competitor.

Competitor's Target Audience: People who may prefer Burger King's offerings but might be restricted by their menu times.

6. Target Audience Persona:

Persona Name: Convenience Seeker

Age: Young adult to middle-aged.

Gender: Both genders.

Occupation: Could be professionals or individuals on the go.

Interests: Quick dining options with a variety of choices.

Lifestyle: Fast-paced lifestyle that values convenience.

Values and Attitudes: Values flexibility and customization in their dining experience.

Needs and Motivations: Seeks a hassle-free dining experience that caters to their preferences.

Pain Points: Frustration with limited dining options based on time restrictions.

7. Aligning Advertisement with Target Audience:

Message: Jack in the Box offers an all-day menu for customers to order whatever they want at any time.

Visuals: Showcases the Jack in the Box mascot confidently promoting the all-day menu in contrast to a competitor's limited offering.

Tone: Confident and assertive, highlighting the uniqueness and convenience of Jack in the Box's approach.


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