Weekly Progress & Plan

 Here is my Weekly Progress for the magazine progress and also a rough plan


Term 2


Term 3


(2 Oct)

Brief, Research


( 8 Jan)









Shoot, Self Reflection




Post Production




Post Production




(12 Feb)

Deadline (Monday 12th February)





Week 1

- Out teacher introduced us into te magazine brief, looks like it's going to be pretty fun
- Today we learn about magazine termanology, Its hard to remember them all so far
- I started to analyze the magazines we brought to class

Week 2

- I researched about the stuctures in a magazine cover and some of the contents inside. 
- I also leanrned about the Representation Theory, which may be useful for my magazine project as I need to be careful of what I represent
- I got a homework about labeling the structures in a Magazine Cover and it was quiet easy as we already had an example and we know the meaning of all the Structures.

Week 3

- I analysed 2 cover in detail
- Started a mini analysis of double page spread
- Took photos of a magazine covers, and contents

- I don't know to either pick architecture or fashion as my magazine
- I asked my teacher for advice and picked architecure as I need a model for a fashion magazine.

To Do : Statements of Intent, Finsih Research, Changed the format

Week 4

I learned about genre theory by steve neil although I might need to study about it more 
- We did a graded writing text about how genre theory can target different audiences in media but I ran out of time from thinking of an example, thus explaining my low score. Even so, I Learned alot.
- We also made a Diagram of 2 Magazine covers, listing their demographic and psychographic.
- Finished Statement of Intent and Magazine Research, Very Time Consuming
- For the final day, we made our Magazine Development Post, Planning on what we will put in our magazines and why we want to put the contents.

Week 5

- I was not here for most of the lessons because of a sickness but I heard there was a gallery walk and a double page research that I did in the zoom meeting
- Didn't really know what I missed out on, I hope that it isn't Important, though I did finish the Double Page Research

Week 6

- This week we talked about the the change in new media to traditional media, It was fairly easy to understand as it was about how much media changed over the years and how new media combines a bunch of traditional media into one.
- We practiced a exam style question by watching a short clip of Queens Gambit and watched the clip 4 times while writing down the Edit, Sound, Mis-En-Scene and Camera used to write for the Main Idea
- In the final day of the week, we started to write our article that is in our own magazines

Week 7

- Checklist task, checking all the things we have and have not done. I had quite a few that I have not finished but most of the things I haven't done is reflection of every post.
- This is the final week of the term, continuing the lesson in the next semester. In the holiday we will need to Scout for Locations, Taking pictures of the nescessarys.

Reflection: This was my 2nd term of the year and I've learned quite alot in this term about how certain things in magazines could help you sell or grab people's attention to sell it. We covered things like what a magazine has and what it contains like The Cover, Contents, Double Page Spread, Article, Interview  and others. We also learned about what is inside each of those and it was overall a pretty fun lesson in my opinion.


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